Mike Prohaska

Athlete Bio

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 169 lbs

Body Fat %: 14.2

Character Testimonial 

"Mike Prohaska's journey of constant advancement in the sport of triathlon is one to watch.  Mike has the capacity to train at an olympic level, and he uses this capacity to complete a gargantuan training schedule.  Competing in the 30-34 age group and as, generally a young triathlete overall in triathlon, his continuous growth puts him in close reach of his goal of qualifying for Kona and eventually of dominating his age group.

His outlook is positive and confident.  He does not complain. He approaches his training methodically and consistently, using data and experimentation to improve upon his relentless workout schedule.  Hard work defines him.  He is a fun training partner, and caring listener, and a true friend.  Having completed 14 full ironmans is a massive accomplishment, but the improvements continue, so expect to see more of the upward trending accomplishments."

Josh "B Positive"

2019 Race Schedule

VT Sun Olympic, 5th overall, 2:41

HITS Half Kingston, NY 7.13

IM MT 8.18

My IM "Vision Quest"

I've competed in a total of 20 full-distance or 140.6 mile races, 17 of which were Ironman races. My first IM was in 2009. I took one year off in 2010 in order to run my own small gym business from 2009-2011. From 2011 to 2013, I competed in two IM races a year. In 2014, I competed in three full distance triathlon races. Because IM registration fees are expensive, I opted for two non-IM brand races for more race experience. These races were held by HITS.

I am very proud to race in HITS series with their motto of "Distance for everyone." The volunteers and staff are friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable. I've found wherever the HITS race to be held that the local community was very supportive of the participants and I've always felt safe on my bike and in the run, regarding local traffic via local law enforcement at all intersections and red lights. 

Since 2015, I have been on a "vision quest" to qualify for the Hawaii Ironman World Championship race. Each year I have improved my craft across all three disciplines. From my first IM race in Louisville (12:45) in 2009 to IM Florida (10:16) in 2015 the progress is from race experience and from a willingness to try my best. While I have had some coaching, it has been my consistent yearly focus on the fundamentals and of my determination that has made the biggest difference in my training and racing results. After all, no one is going to care if you Kona Qualify as much as you should, so it is my responsibility to seek out help when I need it, but to trust in my abilities. 

Race History (70.3 and 140.6)

Louisville, KY, 8.30                        12:45:16: 1:26:07, 6:23:06, 4:43:06 

ST George, Utah, 5.7                     14:54:36: 1:35:51, 7:01:57, 6:05:31
Louisville, KY 8.28                          11:50:00: 1:17:31, 5:54, 4:20:43

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 6.24           12:16:51: 1:23:40, 6:16:41, 4:27:55
Tempe, Arizona, 11.18                  11:37:07: 1:39:47, 5:28:00, 4:18:49

The Woodlands, Texas, 5.18        11:55:45: 1:27:40, 5:32:21, 4:45:20
Louisville, KY                                  11:09:38: 1:13:51, 5:33:46, 4:12:47

HITS Naples, 1.11                          11:01:00; 1:22:03, 5:38:49, 3:56:03
HITS Hague, 6.21                           11:25:01; 1:17:48: 6:06:59, 3:57:06
Guilford, NH 70.3, 8.17                 5:08:51: 42:31, 2:37:29, 1:46:01
Chattanooga, TN, 9.28                  10:38:41: 59:24, 5:37:28, 3:54:38

HITS Ocala, Florida, 3.28              10:15:19: 1:16:43, 5:33:21, 3:56:21
 Mont-Tremblant, CAN, 8.16       10:22:44: 1:12:44, 5:18:41, 3:44:47
Louisville, KY, 10.11                      10:31:45: 1:09:10, 5:34:35, 3:39:22      
Panama City, Florida, 11.07         10:16:26: 1:21:56, 5:02:58, 3:43:55


Chattanooga 70.3, 5.22                4:52:32 31:48, 2:30:37, 1:45:27
Lake Placid IM, 7.23                     10:53:48  1:14:26, 5:48:01, 3:45
Guilford, NH 70.3, 8.20                4:54 36:33,  2:32:33, 1:41
Cambridge Marland, 10.1           8:22:01, no swim 4:42:06, 3:36:21
Xiamen, China 70.3, 11.14          4:56:21 41:26, 2:29:18, 1:37:30


Hudson Winter Marathon,  2.15     3:15

Mont-Tremblant, CAN, 8.16       10:49:15: 1:14:47, 5:39:40, 3:48:17


Santa Rosa, CA , 5.12                  11:09:26, 1:22:38, 5:50:31, 3:48:00

Mont-Tremblant, CAN, 8.16       11:15:31  1:19:08, 5:41:29, 4:08:42


Mont-Tremblant, CAN, 8.18

Fastest Swim (w/ wetsuit)              1:09:10
Fastest Bike
Fastest Run                                       3:36:21