Triathlon Coach

Personal Trainer 

Mike Prohaska

What is most important to me is your motivation to want to change your life. No matter what the fitness goal is, most external variables can be worked through: most physical limitations, lack of time, cost, and any adversity regarding your physical and or social training environment. We will create a meaningful dialogue and then devise a customized exercise program for you based on your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

​I can also guarantee you that I will give you my absolute best effort to helping you reach your goals.  However, if you are unwilling to do the work necessary when you train alone, then that I cannot change. The innate need for a "better" (healthier, fitter) version of yourself cannot be created nor sustained by a "pep talk" or "hardcore workout" or by having a great extrinsic reward after you reached your goals. Fitness is about creating a lifestyle change that becomes part of oneself similar to that of needing to breathe, eat, and sleep in order to live.

If this is acceptable to you and you want to learn more, then let's have a conversation about you!

I'm open to working with all ages and fitness levels. Not to be exhaustive but I have worked with junior athletes (6-18), college athletes, sedentary adults, women undergoing menopause or post-menopause, clients with "frozen shoulder," overweight individuals, the elderly, small groups of clients to large groups. Versatility is essential in fitness. Adaptability. Understanding, Knowledge. Continuing education. 

My professional aspiration is to become a physical therapist, so I am currently taking pre-quisite courses in order to apply for for a Doctoral degree program in Physical Therapy in 2017.  

​It is important that I identify the following: In order for us to work together in person or remotely, you must be able to exercise independently. I cannot treat medical conditions or diagnose diseases. They are not within my professional training or scope. 

Testimonials for



"I started training with Mike Prohaska in August 2016.  I had been exercising with another trainer and I really thought I was doing ok.  I had lost 10 pounds over a couple years but I was stuck at 158 pounds.  I decided it was time for a change.  

When Mike and I met the first time, he did a free session and we talked about my goals to become more healthy.  Mike taught me how to train with weights to increase my strength and endurance.  He gave me specific instructions for cardio, how many minutes and the importance of switching machines.  When I train with Mike we always take notes at the end of the session so that I can refer to them later.  
When Mike first told me the goals I should work towards for cardio, I thought "no way, I'm not doing that".   I decided to give it a try,  I have been meeting the goals for cardio every week.  

I have lost 11 pounds since I started working with Mike.  My strength and endurance have improved.  My clothes fit better and I am getting compliments on how healthy I look. My ability to handle stress has also improved   I would recommend Mike as a fitness professional to anyone.  He has a passion for fitness and loves to share his knowledge."

Debbie C.  


"My goal is to finish the Ironman Lake Placid. I grew up watching the Ironman championship on TV and it's been a childhood dream to become an Ironman ever since.  After finishing four marathons, four Olympic-distance triathlons, the Mighty Man in Montauk, and volunteering at Ironman Lake Placid for the last three years, I finally signed up for Ironman Lake Placid in 2016.  I appreciate Mike Prohaska's encouragement and coaching to make my dream a reality.

My first marathon and the Mighty Man in Montauk were painful experiences due to inadequate training and pacing goals. Even though I've completed all of the distances individually, I have so much to learn about training, nutrition, and gear to put it all together in the Ironman.  Since my first marathon, I've learned the importance of having a training plan and a coach and I'm excited to work with Mike Prohaska to prepare for the race in July."

Best regards,
Tim V.